Friday, October 19, 2012

Future home

           I took a train, a plane, and an automobile to Geneva today. Just kidding. But I did walk along the highway for 45 minutes to get to a random parking lot (fending off horrible flashbacks of my arrival in Bonneville) where I took a mini bus to Geneva. Whilst traipsing 90m an hour through the French countryside, I looked out the window and saw a decrepit trailer park. There were probably ten trailers and at least five of them had brand new Mercedes SUVs parked outside. The cars all matched so apparently some French family decided to sell their houses and buy a highway-side trailer park compound for some flashy new Benz. How bizarre. 
          Geneva is amazing. I walked around the Old City for several hours. The shopping is to-die-for and there are charming little restaurants and bars tucked into every nook. Everytime I have free Fridays, I'm coming back to window shop for the afternoon. 
          Here are some pictures: 

Bonneville this morning as I walked to the bus "station".
I wine-ed and dine-ed myself. And attempted to read Pillars of the Earth in French.
Little rues in Geneva

Cathédrale St. Pierre 

1 comment:

  1. Bonjour Mairead,quel plaisir de lire tes "posts". Ce que tu as vu etait certainement des camps de Roms. Il s'agit d'itinerants originaires de Romanie, il n'ont pas de residences a proprement parler, ils vivent dans leurs caravanes et possedent souvent des Mercedes. Ils se deplacent de ville en ville. Recemment, beaucoup de problemes ont emerge sur la scene politique francaise et les Roms font souvent la une de l'actualite.
