Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I see London, I see France

Off to Bonneville today following a fabulous weekend of feasting and Real Housewives marathons in Boston with Patty and Laura! I'm a mere three hours early for my flight and lounging around at the Boston airport. After carefully analyzing my food options, I opted to forgo the requisite last American meal at McDonald's for a semi-soggy Asian salad. Aiming slightly higher on the haute cuisine scale, I searched for a delectable dessert but was forced to substitute fro-yo for a ridiculously overpriced Starbucks frappachino. Yet another great choice on my part - ordering coffee before boarding a redeye...two glasses of wine on the plane it is. My gate was changed, which I didn’t realize because I was busy reading about Kourtney Kardashian's difficulties with baby daddy Scott, so I missed the new assignment. Luckily I still have two hours to kill, so I wandered to what I thought was the new gate and befriended the couple listening to Hindi radio without speakers next to me to discuss our gate assignment. I figured they would be fellow friendly travelers who also happen to be very punctual. I started jabbering about Heathrow before realizing they didn't speak English and then I switched to signing out our new gate assignment, which made no sense to neither my new friends nor me. They have now titled their iPad away from me. It’s both thrilling and terrifying to have a one-way ticket to Europe. I can’t wait to get to France and see Bonneville, to meet my fellow assistants, teachers, and students, to eat French food and actually learn how to drink wine properly, to speak French all the time, to go Greek island hopping and make hostel friends, and to learn more about myself as I assimilate into a new culture but will I be an American girl in Bonneville or will I be une fille americaine a Bonneville?

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